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Why meditate

When we meditate, we get lasting benefits in our lives: we reduce our stress levels, know our pain, connect better with our surroundings, improve our focus, and are kinder to ourselves and others. We at Nizen want to help you find your best version through meditation.

How to meditate with Nizen:

1) Sit down

Find a calm and peaceful place to sit.

2) Set a time limit

If you're just starting out, go slow, start with a short time like 5 or 10 minutes. Our app will help you time the process, just wait for the bell.

3) Pay attention to posture

You can sit in a chair or sit on the floor with your legs crossed or you can kneel down — no problem with that. Just make sure you're stable and in a position you can stay for a while.

4) Feel your breath

Focus on your breath, inhale and exhale slowly. Pay attention to every movement of your body in the process.

5) Pay attention to your focus

Inevitably, your attention will drift away from your breath and your mind will begin to wander. When you find that your focus has been lost, try to return to the previous state.

6) Be kind to your wandering mind

Don't judge yourself or obsess over the content of the thoughts that caused you to be distracted. Just come back.

7) End it slowly and gently

When you're ready, gently lift your gaze (if your eyes are closed, open them). Take a moment and pay attention to the sounds in your environment. Stop to understand the sensations that invade you. Reflect on your thoughts and emotions.

May you have a moment of peace and self-knowledge.
